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Indoor vs. Outdoor Gardens

Indoor vs. Outdoor Gardens

Heather Lott |

There are many considerations to make when deciding between indoor and outdoor growing. Here are some things to think about.

Types of Plants

Not all plants are designed for indoor growth and vice versa. Climate has a major impact on healthy growth, and some plants don’t do well without constant exposure to open air.

Likewise, some plants are bred to be house plants where they’ll live in a climate-controlled environment without exposure to the elements and other factors. Some plants grow best with lighting that’s filtered indoors rather than directly exposed outdoors.

Tools and Equipment

Consider what you have and what you want to invest in before you decide between indoor and outdoor growing. For example, if you live in an apartment without garden plots, you really have no choice but to do indoor growing. Potted plants are a great option for those with limited space, and you’ll need very few supplies.

If you want something a bit bigger inside your small living space, you have options. You could try acquiring hydroponic supplies or grow room packages you’ll use inside to simulate an outdoor garden. You’ll be amazed at how well they grow! Lighting and everything included!

If you have the space to do an outdoor garden, you’ll need a few tools to cultivate a good space. You may need to buy or rent a tiller to aerate the ground and mix in fertilizer and topsoil to promote growth. There are also a number of harvesting and trimming materials you will need. Take a look at some of Monster Gardens' specialty products here.

The types of tools and equipment you need will be influenced by your environment—go with what makes the most sense for you.


Typically, a plant will grow according to what it’s planted in. If it’s planted in a small pot inside your home, its growth will be limited. If it’s planted in a large garden plot with no nearby plants, it can grow to its full potential.

Additionally, there are some plants that are not meant for indoor growth simply because of their size. For example, a shrub is not a great house plant, as it’s designed to take up a large area.


When purchasing plants, always check the tag to see how much sunlight they need to grow. Light symbols will show you whether a plant requires constant sun, partial sun and shade, or all shade.

If a plant requires constant sun, it won’t work as an indoor house plant unless you have 360-degree windows. Plants that require little sunshine work best inside. Remember, if you want your plants to grow, lighting is vital.


It’s more difficult to regulate the amount of water your outdoor plants get because you can’t do anything to stop the rain. This can be very good for outdoor plants and your water bill! You can also set sprinklers on a timer to ensure plants are watered often. But plants that need less water struggle if you live in an area that rains frequently.

It’s easier to control the amount of water your indoor plants get, so you can be sure they get the right amount. But that also means you must consistently water them, and if you’re a forgetful person, that may be challenging for you!


Some parts of the world are better suited for outdoor plant growth than others. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, you may not be able to enjoy your outdoor plants year-round. Desert sun might kill your leafy greens and harsh winters will cover up your beautiful plants.

There are drought-resistant plants made for hot climates and perennial plants made for winter wonderlands, but if you want consistent plants, indoor may be the better option for you. The indoor growing equipment of today can help you create the perfect sub climate for your plants.


It’s difficult to control pests in your outdoor gardens, although you can pay someone to spray the area to repel insects. But larger creatures like deer and rabbits are much harder to control.

It’s much easier to prevent pests indoors where you won’t be dealing with random bugs and unruly wildlife.

Personal Health

We all know that plants use a process called photosynthesis to mix light, carbon dioxide, and water to create food that helps them grow. This process has an important byproduct: clean oxygen.

Plants indoors and outdoors can create cleaner air quality for you, although you’ll likely notice the benefits more strongly inside your home.

Indoor vs. Outdoor: The Verdict

Indoor and outdoor growing both have their strengths and weakness, and it’s largely up to personal preference and your situation.

You could try a mix of both. Many growers like to begin growing their plants indoors where they can closely watch and nurture them in a controlled environment. Then, when plants start to outgrow their pots, you could find an outdoor home for them where they can thrive in a larger environment. However, when it comes to getting started, life is usually much easier with the help of grow room packages.

It’s largely personal preference, but modern growers are tending to lean into indoor hydroponics a little more. Grow room climate control and the flexibility of portable grow rooms are gaining an edge. Now that you understand the pros and cons of both sides, you can decide if you want to grow just indoor, just outdoor, or both! Whatever your preference, we have growing expertise here at Monster Gardens. As a trusted online grow store, you can turn to us for all of your growing needs.

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