Here at Monster Gardens, most shipping costs are calculated based on the dimensions, weight, and destination of your order.
If you'd like to speak with a member of our dedicated sales team regarding an order, please contact us at (707) 588-8844, or sales@monstergardens.com.
Discreet Shipping*
Most items purchased through Monster Gardens are packaged discretely to protect your privacy and the value of the contents within the package. Physical manifests or invoices are available upon request.
*Some products are shipped directly from our vendors and may not be packaged discretely. If this a concern, please contact us at 707-588-8844 or sales@monstergardens.com to discuss further.
These are estimated timelines.
Days | States |
1 Day | CA and NV |
2 Days | WA, OR, ID, UT and AZ |
3 Days | HI, MT, WY, CO and NM |
4 Days | ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, IA, MO, AR, WI, MI, IN, AK and IL |
5 Days | MN, ME, NY, PA, OH, WV, VA, TN, NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, LA, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, MD and FL |
6 Days | NONE |
7 Days | PR |
Shipping to AK or HI: Due to the added cost when shipping outside of the contiguous United States, items advertised as having “free shipping” will likely incur additional costs. Please contact us by phone or email for a quote.
Important Information Regarding Shipping & Transit Times:
If you have any questions about how long it will take for you to receive your order, please contact us at (707) 588-8844 or sales@monstergardens.com.
Most orders are shipped within 3 business days. In some cases, we may have the item drop-shipped directly from a manufacturer or distributor. In some cases, you may receive your order in multiple shipments. If this is the case, we'll provide you with all applicable tracking numbers.
We value your business and we will do everything possible to ensure that your order gets to you as quickly as possible.
In the unforeseen event that an item you ordered is out of stock, we will attempt to contact you within two business days. You'll have the option to wait for the item to be available, removing the item from the order, or we'll help you to find a comparable product that fits your needs!
Please understand that when you choose Next Day, 2nd Day or 3 Day shipping, this means from the day the order leaves the warehouse. Keep in mind that it takes us time to gather your order and get it ready for shipping, but we promise to do it as fast as humanly possible!
INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS: At this time, free shipping isn't applicable to orders being shipped internationally. Charges estimated online represent carrier charges only. Additional fees (customs, duties and brokerage fees) will be due upon receipt of your shipment as assessed by your country’s governing policies. We are not responsible for any customs, duties, brokerage fees, etc. imposed by the country in which the order is received.
Monster Gardens is located in the United States. Any customer ordering goods to be shipped to another country is considered an Importer, and as such should research these charges. Your total cost represented during checkout does not account for the fees your country may charge you for receiving goods from Monster Gardens.
Policies, item availability, and prices are subject to change without notice. We are not responsible for any typographical errors in this website.