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Monster U

  • Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds: The Beginner's Guide

    Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds: The Beginner's Guide

    Tired of complicated grow cycles and finicky lighting schedules? Autoflowering cannabis seeds might be the perfect solution for you. What are Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds? Autoflowering cannabis seeds are seeds that...

    Heather Lott |

  • Using Compost Tea in Hydroponics

    Using Compost Tea in Hydroponics

    What is Compost Tea? There are numerous benefits to using organic nutrients for your plants in hydroponics: improved root health and microbial activity, better nutrient absorption, sustainability, and enhanced flavor....

    Jorie Lott |

  • Aquaponics 101: The Essentials

    Aquaponics 101: The Essentials

    What is Aquaponics? Though plant lifeforms evolved to be suited for land hundreds of millions of year ago, it turns out that water creatures can still form an incredibly beneficial...

    Heather Lott |

  • Using LED Lights in Hydroponics

    Using LED Lights in Hydroponics

    In recent years, LED lights have grown from an eco-friendly alternative to the main source of energy for hydroponic growers, as case studies have shown that LEDs are not just...

    Jim Guttierrez |

  • Unlocking the Power of Microgreens

    Unlocking the Power of Microgreens

    What are Microgreens? Have you ever wondered how to get the most out of your growing space while spending less on energy and feeding yourself flavorful and healthy foods? Hydroponics...

    Jorie Lott |

  • How to Manage Low Humidity in Your Hydroponic System

    How to Manage Low Humidity in Your Hydroponic System

    Low Humidity in Hydroponics When we think of our ideal garden full of thriving plants in a steamy greenhouse, we normally don’t consider low humidity as a potential issue for...

    Heather Lott |

  • How Do You Clean a Hydroponic System?

    How Do You Clean a Hydroponic System?

    Keep Your Hydroponic System Clean and Healthy! Learn how to properly maintain your system and prevent issues like clogs and disease. Discover the best cleaning practices and recommended products to...

    Jorie Lott |

  • What are the Benefits of Silica For Plants?

    What are the Benefits of Silica For Plants?

    What is Silica? Silicon dioxide, or silica, is a common element found in the earth’s crust and in the soil. In nature, silica helps plants regulate other chemicals such as...

    Jim Guttierrez |

  • The Best Water For Hydroponics

    The Best Water For Hydroponics

    Since water is the medium for delivering nutrients in hydroponics, it is important to make sure that the water is balanced in pH and free of contaminants and possible diseases....

    Heather Lott |

  • How to Germinate Stubborn Seeds

    How to Germinate Stubborn Seeds

    Do old seeds germinate? How long is too long for seeds to germinate? What if we told you that you can get 20-year-old seeds to germinate? Watch our video to...

    Jorie Lott |

  • Hydroponic Problems and How to Fix Them

    Hydroponic Problems and How to Fix Them

    Why are My Hydroponic Plants Wilting or Dying? Though hydroponic systems are typically designed to be more low maintenance that soil-based gardening or agriculture, there are still potential issues that...

    Jim Guttierrez |