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The Simple Science of Plant Growth

The Simple Science of Plant Growth

Jim Guttierrez |

When you were an elementary school student, your class probably had a plant to keep alive throughout the year. During science lessons, you probably learned words like photosynthesis and chlorophyll, although you may not have fully understood them. Your teacher almost certainly told you that plants need three things to grow: water, carbon dioxide, and light.

But beyond that, do you really understand how plants grow? If you’re an amateur grower or just getting started, you need to know a great deal more than those three things. You’ll need to understand growing accessories, ingredients, hydroponic supplies, lighting information, and so much more! Most importantly, you’ll need an education.

If you want to be responsible for growing monster gardens, here’s a little information about the science of plant growth to help you succeed.

From Seed to Soil (or Solution)

Obviously, if you want a plant to grow, you need a seed. This small offshoot of a larger plant will be surrounded by a protective coating that protects the young plant inside. This protective coating will release the young plant when it’s in the right conditions.

Now, there are two primary ways to grow the seed. First, the seed can be placed in rich soil. The soil should be rich with minerals, food, and aeration that allow the young plant to take root and grow. If you’re working with dirt that’s tightly packed or bone dry, your tiny seedling likely won’t survive.

The second method is called hydroponics, a Monster Gardens specialty. Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants without soil, by using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent. Hydroponic stores and hydroponic systems have been yielding remarkable results as technology continues to improve and we gain a better understanding of hydroponic methods. For more information on hydroponic growing, visit our website.

Adding Water and Food

The seed will respond well to good soil, but it also needs water and food to properly take root. The trick is getting the right balance of both. This is another benefit of hydroponic systems. Soil growth will require additional attention while hydroponics is more of a calculated formula for growth.

For soil growers and all growers alike, it is useful to know that a plant is made up of 95 percent water. Knowing this, you can understand why it’s essential your plants get adequate water. You’re less likely to kill a plant from under-watering than you are from overwatering, but there’s still a balance. Research the type of plant you’re caring for and how often you should be watering it to avoid either extreme.

Young plants can make their own food through photosynthesis. (There’s that word again!) For food to grow, light is required (more on this later). In perfect conditions, a plant will make enough food to live a robust and healthy life.

However, like humans, plants often lack sufficient vitamins and minerals to grow. While you’re taking your daily multivitamin, don’t forget to add a little plant food or fertilizer to your plant’s soil to improve the growth and vitality of your green friends.

The Importance of Light

It’s not enough to just have good soil and water. A plant also needs the right amount of light to grow. Lighting is the oft-overlooked aspect of healthy plant life that many amateur gardeners don’t consider.

Photosynthesis is the process a plant uses to generate food for growth. It’s a chemical transformation in which sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water mix to create nutrients essential for plant growth. Photosynthesis is also responsible for creating the green pigment in plants known as chlorophyll and creating clean oxygen for your home and garden.

Photosynthesis, of course, is not possible without adequate light. In order to grow, light must be a part of a plant’s journey through the soil and beyond. Some plants require constant light from the sun while others prefer shade or only a few hours of sunlight each day. Again, research the amount of sun needed for your plants to avoid a dangerous extreme.

However, if you want more control over lighting and growth, Monster Gardens has you covered. LED hydroponic grow lighting is our specialty. Consider an indoor grow room with indoor lighting for amazing, controlled results. View some Monster Gardens indoor lighting options here.

Improving Plant Growth

If your plants aren’t thriving, it’s probably because the balance of nutrients, water, and light is off. It’s not always clear how to fix this problem, so you might consider investing in growing accessories like simulated sunlight to put on your plants and spur their growth.

You could also use hydroponic supplies or grow room packages that are devised to make the plant growth process simpler than ever. The more comfortable you get working with these systems, the greener your thumb will become. You’ll never fail to grow beautiful plants again!

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